Google Maps, a popular web mapping platform by Google, is one of the most used and trusted applications there is. Every day, millions of people rely on the app to navigate different routes, learn about real-time traffic, search about a business, among other things. It also offers satellite imagery, 360° panoramic views of every street, and aerial photography, making it easier for us to determine which mode of transportation will take the least amount of time and also helps judge the legitimacy of a business.
Now you may be wondering, the legitimacy of a business? When your business or location appears on Google Maps, it automatically makes it easier for anyone to search about it and reach the destination without any hiccups. And if your business information isn't listed on Google Maps, then allow us to highlight some Google My Business Benefits for you!
Google Maps For Your Business
Without the advancement and accessible technology of Google Maps, it's almost impossible to plan out your day if you're going to another destination. And what if that destination isn't appearing on the app?
Here’s how listing your business on Google My Business (and Google Maps) can benefit your business!
Proves Credibility: Think about this- what do you do when you want to know more about a particular business or a person? You Google it! And if there's no or barely any information about a business, then it will make you suspicious, right?
You would want the customer to type in the location and have an option presented to them to reach your location. The ability to search the listed business will also allow the person to pin it for next time.
Another thing to keep in mind is that Google Maps acts as a search engine in itself. So listing your company/business will not only establish a higher authority but also make sharing the location with others easier.
Contacting Made Easier: Did you know that you can also add other contact details on Google Maps, and not just the name and location of your business? You can also add the phone number and your website for the customers to contact you easily.
It also fetches details from Google My Business and pins it to the location. Thanks to this, it becomes easier for potential customers to contact you, go to your website, and even check reviews, without needing to spend time searching them separately. This also attracts multiple business leads who tend to contact you as it is easier and more accessible.
More Traffic To Your Website: We have already established that Google Maps for business is really important. Having your website linked directly to your Google My Business listing will act as an ultimate boost to your website's traffic as users are more inquisitive than before.
The users coming to your website directly from Google, and not any other source, are genuinely interested to know more information about your business and will click on the website to know more.
If the traffic is coming via Google Maps, it implies that the user first searched for your business on Google Maps and then decided to visit your website. It highlights one of the Google Maps Benefits and why you need a 'pin' for your business.
Virtual Impact: Listing your business on Google My Business also allows a user to check the images of the place they are visiting beforehand. Since it is free of cost, most businesses list the images of their office, restaurant, club, etc. so that the visitor can have a clear idea of where they're heading. It also supports the concept of providing the full 360° image experience, another one of Google My Business Benefits, it is indeed a great way to promote your business for free and attract more customers in the future.